Wednesday, January 7, 2009

World News.


As most of you have seen over the years, I am known for keeping my cool even under the most vicious fire of journalists who are only fit to be called attack dogs. But, after reading the reports and watching some of the videos (videos most Americans will never see because of the Jewish control of the media) of the Zionist terrorist mass murder of hundreds of Palestinian men women and children, the maiming, crippling, and blinding of thousands more, the incalculable suffering of a million and one-half people, I am brimming with heartache for victims and filled with rage against the evils of Zionism.

Yesterday I heard that the Israeli’s were sending artillery barrages into Gaza. I studied artillery in ROTC and my father was an Artillery Officer in the U.S. Army. Artillery is not a precise weapon, and there is no defined battlefield in Gaza, it is a densely populated area. When you fire artillery into a city where families sleep it is a weapon of pure terror.
I knew that there would be horrendous casualties from the huge, modern high-explosive artillery shells that kill everything within a radius of a football field. I just read that Israel hit three UN schools. In just one UN shelter the latest reports are that at least 45 civilians, men, women and children were blown to bits, and more dead are expected. The Palestinian dead are now over 635 and thousands wounded and maimed, many of them women and children.
Israeli President Shimon Peres told an EU ministerial delegation that demanded a truce.
“We are not in the business of public relations or improving our image. We are fighting against terror and we have every right to defend our citizens.”

I understand that Shimon Perez, even after Israel murdered innocent 45 men, women and children in a shelter at a UN school, will describe Israel’s mass terror and murder as “fighting against terror,” but why in the world can’t the leaders of the EU of the United States and the whole world respond to such lies by telling the truth that Israel is a terror state. Every leader should order an immediate embargo of trade with Israel and that official medical, humanitarian and military support will be immediately provided for the victims of this terror: the Palestinian people.

Why doesn’t the media who lives by the biggest lie of all that it is an unbiased source of news and information - why doesn’t this media expose this Israeli carnage?
The answer of course is pretty damn simple. Jewish extremists have enormous power in the media from the NY Times to the Washington Post, to TV and even Hollywood movies. There are a number of major movies this holiday season about Jews who were victimized by Nazis 60 years ago, but there are none about the massive ethnic cleansing, murder, terror and torture associated with the creation and maintenance of the state of Israel. I should also mention that there are no movies this season about the biggest mass murders in the history of the world, that by the Jewish Bolshevik leaders in the early days of Communism. When you know who runs the media, a lot of things become pretty clear.

And why does Barack Obama, the man who is supposed to be the agent of “Change we can believe In,” stay stone silent in the face of this Israeli carnage. Of course, those awake to the Jewish extremist power know why. We know it is because Obama’s whole political career was orchestrated by Jewish extremists, from David Axelrod to Rahm Emmanuel. They guided his career, his campaign for President, and they provided most of the money, money that was overwhelmingly Jewish, such as what he got from the from the biggest Wall Street financial robber firm, Goldman Sachs, his biggest single contributor. And, we all know that the overwhelming Jewish influence in the press painted him as nothing short of the “Second Coming.”

Barack is not about to bite the Jewish extremist hand that feeds him.

He said he couldn’t comment cause he wasn’t President yet. He however can speak about his plans for the economy. He can speak about his foreign policy plans for Iraq and Afghanistan and Timbuktu, but he can’t say a single word to help stop the Israeli mass terror and murder against the Palestinians.

Here is what Obama or any decent head of state should say at this crisis of life and human suffering. Here is what I would say if I had the Presidential Seal under my desk at this moment.
The time has come to acknowledge the great crimes committed against the Palestinian people by the Jewish Extremists who established and who today run Israel.

The time has come to realize that Israel stole the Palestinian land, and for over 60 years terrorized its inhabitants, tortured and murdered those who resisted.
It is time to recognize that Israel was founded on terror, exists on terror and its evil nature cannot be preserved without terror.

It is time to recognize the human suffering done by Israel and her powerful Jewish extremist agents around the world. The tens of thousands of dead and homeless from two invasions of Lebanon, the over 40 years of brutal occupation of the West Bank and the violation of dozens of UN resolutions in regard to it, the paramount role that a cadre of Jewish extremist agents such as Wolfowitz and Perle and a compliant Jewish press played in orchestrating America’s tragic role in the Iraq War, a war which has cost more than a million lives and terribly damaged both the Iraqi and the American people.

It is time to recognize that it is Israel who is the biggest threat to world peace with its huge stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. Israel has chemical, nuclear and biological weapons that America and Europe won’t even inspect much less demand their destruction. It is time to demand a complete inspection and destruction of those weapons.

It is time for the United States and all EU nations to completely cease all economic and military aid to Israel.

It is time to recognize that Israel is the aggressor in Gaza. That Israel has strangled Gaza for years, stopped even needed medical supplies and food, sealed the borders and made Gaza one big concentration camp. That Israel has bombed and terrorized the people of the region for years, and that Israel will not recognize the government the people of Gaza voted for in free elections.

It is time to recognize that Israel has committed terror, murder and numerous war crimes against the people of Gaza over the last few weeks and that the Israelis responsible should be brought up before the International Human Rights Court in the Hague and prosecuted for their acts that have led to the death or maiming of thousands of innocents.

In recognition of these facts, until Israel will cease and desist from these acts of terror and murder, Israel shall be labeled a terror state and be considered an international pariah. All trade and commerce should be banned between the United States, EU and any UN state and the terror state of Israel. Israel must allow complete inspections of its nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and facilities. Israel must turn over its illegal weapons for destruction. Israel must completely vacate its settlements on stolen Palestinian property on the West Bank, in Palestinian Jerusalem and in the Golan Heights in Syria.

If Israel does not comply with these non-negotiable demands, the entire world and the United Nations will support with the latest military equipment, the Palestinians, the Lebanese, the Egyptians, Jordanians and the Syrian people so they can defend themselves from the Jewish supremacist, terror state of Israel.

Signed, Dr. David Duke, Under the Seal of “What he would do if he were President of the United States.”


Duke is right.

World News.


According to Henry Kissinger, the various political and economic crises currently conflicting the world offer President-elect Barack Obama an opportunity to create a "new world order." That's what the former Secretary of State told CNBC's Mark Haines in a January 5 interview from the busy floor of the New York Stock Exchange.
"What do you think the most important thing is for Barack Obama?" Haines asked. "... If you had to say, this is going to be the country, or the conflict, or the place that will define the Obama administration, what would it be?" Kissinger replied: "The President-elect is coming into office at a moment when there are upheavals in many part of the world simultaneously. You have India-Pakistan. You have, ah, a jihadist movement."
"But," continued Kissinger, "he can give new impetus to American foreign policy ... I think that his task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period, when really a 'new world order' can be created. It's a great opportunity. It isn't such a crisis."

Haines did not ask Dr. Kissinger to explain what he meant by creating a new world order, nor did he or any of his colleagues in the major U.S. media report on the fact that Kissinger was present at the New York Stock Exchange that morning to celebrate a key milestone in the planned move toward the same new world order. To find out why the gravely voiced eminence gries of the American Establishment was visiting the Wall Street hub of world capitalism one had to turn, paradoxically, to the media mouthpieces of Communist China.
Beijing's Xinhua News Agency, for instance, reported that Kissinger was there as the honored guest of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations for a ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China. Dr. Kissinger, of course, was the key figure in that sea-change event, engaging in clandestine trips to Beijing for President Richard Nixon, as well as for his mentor, David Rockefeller, then president of the Chase Manhattan Bank as well as chairman of the powerful Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission. "[At that time] if anyone had told me that I would celebrate an event about the People's Republic of China on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, I would think that could be inconceivable," Kissinger told the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations event attendees. The Xinhua story reported:
According to the renowned strategist, the world has entered an era in which leaders must "keep an eye on the opportunities they have for cooperation." "They should realize that they for the first time in the history can deal with issues on global bases, and not just on their national bases, so this is a great opportunity for them," he explained.
For example, he said, the United States and China now have "a common opportunity because the international economic system has to be rebuilt," and "it can not be done unless the United States and China agree on the agenda of direction."
"There were so many political crises in the world, which require cooperation, and I believe this really can be a beginning of a new era of our relationship," he added.
The world also has many other problems that are "more subtle, more complicated and less direct," and they require U.S.-China cooperation in many ways, Kissinger noted.
"What is needed is a continued development by both leaderships of methods of cooperating and solving the world's problems," he stressed.
What Mr. Kissinger is describing here in somewhat veiled terms is something he and his confreres at the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission refer to as the new-world-order process of "convergence": the gradual melding together of the various regions and political-economic systems of the world into a world government. Kissinger puts more specific flesh on the new world order/convergence skeleton in a December 16, 2008 interview with PBS's Charlie Rose, explaining that "crises" such as global terrorism, global economic upheaval, and global environmental deterioration will require moving beyond the nation state and national sovereignty.

Explicit appeals by high-powered new-world-order advocates for world government are coming fast and furious. As we noted last month (here and here) a revealing piece by Gideon Rachman in the Financial Times of London seemed to be signaling that we can expect to see an avalanche of calls by globalist elites for world government to save us, as Kissinger puts it, from the terrifying "abyss" of economic and political turmoil that is supposedly insoluble under our current system of independent nation states.

The whole reason Obama was elected was to take away america's national sovereignty. Now he is going to try to take it away from everyone else.....

World News.


Medics have found traces of depleted uranium in victims of Israel’s brutal attack on Gaza, according to a Press TV report, meaning the ultimate death toll could be far higher as future generations are plagued by cancers and birth defects.
“Norwegian medics told Press TV correspondent Akram al-Sattari that some of the victims who have been wounded since Israel began its attacks on the Gaza Strip on December 27 have traces of depleted uranium in their bodies,” states the article.
Following the conclusion of the first Gulf War in 1991, in which depleted uranium was used by U.S. forces, cancers and birth defects in Iraq soared and many veterans organizations agree that the weapon was responsible for the emergence of Gulf War Syndrome that has plagued hundreds of thousands of Gulf War veterans.
Depleted uranium shell holes at the infamous Highway of Death in Iraq showed measurements 1,000 times more radioactive than background radiation. The residue of a DU weapon can be spread by the wind and infect humans not in the immediate area as well as the entire food chain.
The image below shows some of the shocking effects of depleted uranium and how its use leads to horrific birth defects.

In 1999, the UN called for the use of depleted uranium to be banned worldwide but efforts to downplay its effects led by the Pentagon have blocked such a ban.
Former head of the Pentagon’s 1994 U.S. Army Depleted Uranium Project Maj. Doug Rokke has faced constant harassment, including murder attempts, after going public in 1997 to expose the health effects from depleted uranium that the U.S. government and the World Health Organization have consistently dismissed.
Israel’s use of depleted uranium against victims of the Gaza bombing campaign provides further evidence that war crimes are being committed with the tacit approval of both the current administration as well as president elect Barack Obama.

DU is usually used to penetrate tanks I wonder why Israel sees it fit to use it on a largely civilian population?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Australian News.


KEVIN Rudd's fledgling government has just made its first major policy blunder. And it's a doozy.This is a piece of political lunacy that will intrude into all our lives whether we like it or not – somewhat like a blunt instrument used to bash down your bedroom door.
What's more astounding is that for a Prime Minister who campaigned on his relative youth, and the value of new technology and the information age, is that this is a policy that flies in the face of any such alleged revolution, education or otherwise.
What the Rudd Government is proposing is compulsory censorship of the internet in Australia.
Sure, they'll spin it with words like "filtering" and "optional" and "protecting children" but ultimately it is censorship at a government level, nothing less.
In a nutshell, every internet user in the country will have their web content automatically censored by some faceless mandarins to block anything that is deemed "inappropriate material" – which will be an interesting definition in itself.
This will be done at an internet service provider level.
To obtain an unfiltered internet feed you must contact your ISP and ask that the filter to your particular connection be removed so you can view material that may be "R" or "X" rated or otherwise offensive to whomever will decide what spins their moral compass.
Let's put explicit sexual content to one side for a moment and consider what else might be considered inappropriate, and just how the poor ISPs are going to filter it.
What about language?
My wife took her mother to see the critically acclaimed film Atonement at the weekend, which happened to have a very strong four letter word beginning with "c" in it.
Is that the sort of material which will attract the attention of the nanny state software and earn itself a ban if one goes searching for the screenplay online?
Will some brands of independent music – and I confess here to being a fan of thrash metal – be filtered out of existence because of their content?
Who will have input into what is allegedly inappropriate given that the likes of Family First are champions of this lunatic policy? Does this mean I'll have trouble downloading the lyrics to songs from Slayer albums such as Christ Illusion or God Hates Us All?
Worse, I'm also a fan of horror and cult exploitation films, which are probably doomed with the compulsory filtering out of "violent" sites.
As the then Labor opposition's communications spokesman Stephen Conroy said in August: "We have an opt-out provision, so for X-rated (content) they can opt out, but for child porn and violent sites, they're completely blocked, there's no opt-out."
OK, child porn and snuff nastiness, fair enough – that's exploitation of the innocent, not art, but what next – are you going to stop me accessing trailers to the remake of the classic rape-revenge film The Last House on the Left or the latest zombie flick?
Take it further. Will students of biology or medicine find themselves blocked from accessing sites that deal with the naughty parts of the human anatomy because we don't need to see that sort of thing under the New Rudd Order?
Don't scoff. Queensland Health had to completely rejig its net filters in recent years because doctors couldn't send each other information or images of a gynaecological nature.
The logistics of implementing this piece of policy muddle will resemble a slow-motion train-wreck.
Don't just take my word for it.
The chief regulatory officer at iinet – the third largest ISP in the country – was quoted recently in The Sydney Morning Herald as saying that filtering the internet at the ISP level was unworkable and would "affect the performance of the network quite significantly".
"It's hard to understand . . . how people will make decisions at the network about what Mr and Mrs Average ought to see, and you're talking about a censoring service provided by the private sector," Dalby said.
"It's much more efficient to do the filtering at the customer's end where they've got control over what they do and don't want to filter out."
But no, Kevin knows best, and we have to protect the children from the real world, and wrap the rest of society in politically correct cotton wool so the government can make our decisions for us.
And slow down internet speeds at the same time as making access to the internet more expensive as ISPs struggle to keep the naughty bits off our screens. Dumb and dumber.
If all this is really about protecting the children and not about locking in the god-botherers' vote, isn't the great danger these days the predators who prowl the chat-rooms luring children into unwanted trysts?
Do we ban chat-rooms, too, then, so that those of us who like to discuss, film, literature, music and sport online are also caught by the same suppression?
Or do we – and here's a novel concept – take some parental and personal responsibility and monitor our children's internet usage or perhaps install filtering software at a user level if we can't keep an eye on them all the time?
No, that would equate to personal responsibility and we can't trust people to do that in a nanny state.
And here's the really important question: just how long before "opt out" becomes "no option"? It's only a small step from where we are heading.
And what about sites that allegedly promote terrorism? How long before banning access to instructions on how to make a bomb extends to banning those debating Muslim persecution or immigration policy in Australia or those speaking out in support of David Hicks?
Don't think Kevin07, think Kevin1984, George Orwell style.

Kevin Rudd's internet censorship plan has nothing to do with preventing porn getting into peoples homes but it is all about censoring what the public can and cant read.
He has got his idea from masters in Communist China and is doing this to silence all dissenting voices against his plan for an ASIAN UNION in which Australia will have an open borders agreement with 2/3 of the Worlds poulation which will mean the genocide of the Australian people both culturally and geneticly.
He is trying to turn our our once great nation into Communist China...
We must oppose these rediculous thought crime laws before it is too late.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

World News.


-Israel has launched a ground invasion of Gaza, sending a column of troops and tanks into the Palestinian territory to destroy Hamas rocket launchers.

The incursion, which began under cover of darkness near Beit Lahiya near Gaza’s northern border, represents a significant escalation of the week-long conflict between Israel and Hamas.
“This is the second stage of our operation against Hamas infrastructure,” said an Israeli defence spokeswoman on television. “It is to control the launch sites responsible for launching thousands of rockets at civilians in Israel.
“We will stay as long as we need to stay to achieve our goals.
The sudden move followed a day of heightened air strikes, designed to decapitate the Hamas military leadership, and an artillery bombardment intended to soften up resistence on the ground.
It also came in defiance of calls from European leaders - including Gordon Brown - for Israel to scale back its violent attack on Gaza.
Mr Brown said "too many" had died already.
Television footage - in the green and black tones of night-vision equipment - showed troops and tanks rolling across the border, as tracer fire whipped overhead.
The defence spokeswoman said Israeli troops had trained for the sort of urban guerrilla warfare they are likely to encounter against Hamas.
She also said air strikes had so far destroyed about a third of the tunnels used by Hamas to smuggle weapons into Gaza - and that troops would destroy the rest.
Israel's prime minister Ehud Olmert has said that tens of thousands of Israeli reservists were being called up to help with the invasion.
Open fields near the north Gazan town of Beit Hanoun were churned up by the impacts of 155 mm shells fired by M109 self-propelled howitzers before the invasion.
Artillery is often used before ground assualts to clear territory of booby traps and enemy combatants prior to a land invasion.
Israel had already renewed its attempts to decapitate the leadership of Hamas in missile strikes, killing a top military commander as it pounded targets in Gaza for the eighth day.
The cabinet deliberated late into Friday night before reaching a consensus to prolong the air campaign.
The tactics paid swift dividends with the death of Mohammed al-Jamal, 40, the most senior commander from the Hamas armed wing Izzedine al-Qassam to be killed so far. Jamal, also known by his nom de guerre Abu Zakariya, died from injuries sustained in a street side missile strike.
Israel said he was responsible for all rocket fire from central Gaza City and sources in Gaza described him as military commander for the Tel el Howa district, site of a ministerial compound heavily bombed by Israel in the first week of its campaign.
Debate between Ehud Olmert, Israel's prime minister, Tzipi Livni, foreign minister, Ehud Barak, defence minister, and military chiefs was intense with the meeting running much longer than expected and lasting over four hours. While discussions within the Israeli war cabinet have been increasingly protracted, there have been no signs of fundamental divisions emerging.
Israel has not fired artillery into Gaza since a self-imposed moratorium following an accident in which an Israeli artillery barrage killed 18 members of the Athamneh family in Beit Hanoun two years ago.
Some witnesses saw large numbers of Israeli Merkava main battle tanks moving toward the border and the Israeli government broadcast a warning to all Israeli civilians near the border to expect an intensification of rocket fire from Gaza.
The Israeli army made no immediate comment on the artillery operation which came amid mounting speculation that Israel would send troops into Gaza.
Diplomatic efforts to end the fighting are likely to rest on persuading key decision makers to pause attacks or seek a ceasefire. Mr Brown issued his strongest comments yet on the crisis, calling for an immediate end to hostilities and declaring that "too many" had died.
"The Prime Minister has spoken again today to Prime Minister Olmert, and is pressing hard for an immediate ceasefire," a Downing Street spokesman said. "Rocket attacks from Hamas must stop, and we have called for a halt to Israeli military action in Gaza. Too many have died, and we need space to get humanitarian supplies to those who need them.
"We are working urgently with international partners to address the underlying causes of the conflict, including trafficking of arms into Gaza. Action is necessary to reopen the Gaza/ Egypt border, but in a way that does not undermine Israel's security."
The most senior Hamas military commander to die in previous attacks was Ismail Jaabari, leader of a local militia known as "Protection and God" who was killed at the outset of the attacks a week earlier.
Israel's ability to identify and target an individual Hamas moving in the open raised suspicions they were working with information provided by informers.
Jamal's killing represented another coup for Israel after an airstrike on Thursday killed Nizar Rayan, a senior Hamas political leader responsible for policy and strategy.
Pleas from aid groups, the United Nations and the European Union for an immediate ceasefire to help deal with a humanitarian crisis faced by Gaza's 1.5 million population have so far been frustrated by continuing rocket fire from the Strip. Israel showed no willingness to let up on a campaign that it believes has pushed Hamas into a corner while Hamas militants continued to fire rockets into Israel in spite of the threat of immediate targeted reprisals by Israel.
The war cabinet was briefed on an armed forces list of fresh targets that were later attacked including two houses that Israel claimed were the homes of Hamas leaders.
"The house of Hamas terror operative Ismail Renam in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza Strip, which functioned as a weaponry storage, specifically for rocket launching equipment,'' the list said. "Renam has a central role in the launching of Grad type rockets against Israel.
And in an airstrike on a mosque in the town of Beit Lahiya that was full of worshippers left at least ten Palestinians dead and dozens injured.
At least 10 bodies were pulled from the rubble of the Ibrahim al-Maqadna mosque in Jabaliya, including two brothers aged 10 and 12, they said.
"The house of Azadin Hadad, a Hamas terror operative in Gaza City, that was used to orchestrate terror activity and as a meeting place for terror operatives. Hadad is the head of the Hamas military group in eastern Gaza city.'' In another strike a car near the southern city of Khan Yunis was attacked killing two men, medics said. The identity of the victims was not immediately available.
East of the Khan Yunis refugee camp, a missile narrowly missed a car carrying militants who escaped unharmed, witnesses said.
A guard was killed when a missile struck and demolished a school in the northern town of Beit Lahiya, medics said.
The Israeli armed forces said they had targeted "a college used as a base for firing a large number of rockets."
Israel continued to bar foreign media, including the Telegraph, from reaching Gaza, failing to follow an order from the Israeli supreme court to allow in a limited number. The order came after a case brought the foreign press association in Israel.
According to an unconfirmed count 442 Palestinians and 4 Israelis have been killed since operation Cast Lead began last week.
An interesting start to the New Year. Lets hope that this does not lead to a world war. Israel is starting to look bad in the worlds media by acting as the agressor. Over 400 Palestinians dead and only 4 Israeli's.