THE 15-year-old boy shot dead by police in Melbourne last night was a member of a nationalist organisation called the Southern Cross Soldiers.
Tyler Cassidy was killed at a shopping centre in Melbourne's northern suburb of Northcote after police unsuccessfully tried to calm him, then sprayed him with capsicum spray and fired a warning shot.
Tyler, who was armed with knives, shouted "kill me, I'm going to kill you" to four officers before he was gunned down, police said this morning.
But Tyler's mother, Shani, said in a written statement today that she would ``fight'' for Tyler, describing him as a ``scared little boy''. ``He died alone without his family at his side, gasping his last breath,'' the statement said. ``The entire family and friends of Tyler Cassidy are appalled at the actions by Victoria Police last night. ``Their heavy handedness and lack of negotiating skills at the scene of the shooting contributed to the untimely death of our beautiful 15-year-old." Tyler's MySpace page is covered in pictures of the Australian flag, video tributes to the Cronulla riots and pictures of a meeting of the Melbourne chapter of the Southern Cross Soldiers on December 6. "Hmmmmm well my names Tyler im aussie i love Austrlia more then eneythink and 2nd to that i love bundy (good stuff)," he wrote. "play hard and fight to win ... victory and pride forever!" His friends have left dozens of messages on his website page, including many from other members of the Southern Cross Soldiers. "Tyler mate, i f..ken love you. dont let them pigs get the better of you. u will get throu this and we will get them f..kers back. memba revenge is sweet. we all love you and are sendin our best wishes mate," writes one mate. Another message reads: "Gunned down by idiot cops. Thats life hey? You were a mad little bastard but no-one will ever forget you..We will keep SCS going in your name." Another read: "Tyler Cassidy was one of the most caring, honest people i have ever met. He would always do everything he could to help you out. He will be dearly missed and always remebered for all that he was." The MySpace page for the Southern Cross Soldiers states the group is not racist or a gang. "WE are not racist, we are just proud to call our selves Australians. SCS isn't a gang. If your proud to call yourself Australian then you already are a Southern Cross Soldier. Its a shame that to some people being proud of the country your born in is being racist, well to them people I say go f..k yourself :) There is only one ethnicity in Australia, AUSTRALIAN."
A manager at his school said Tyler was a ``lovely young man'' showing great promise in his hospitality studies.
``Tyler was a lovely young man. He came to us about six weeks ago,'' Rowena Bailey, manager of The Island, a vocational campus of Collingwood College where Tyler had been studying, told AAP.
``He was achieving enormous success. He was in our hospitality unit and doing very well, he showed great promise and was doing extremely well.''
Tyler had many friends and was an easygoing boy, she said.
``It's a terrible shock because he was achieving. He was very well liked,'' she said. ``He was an easygoing boy, in our environment, very easygoing, and he was very happy. He had a lot of friends and he was very happy.''
THE 15-year-old boy shot dead by police in Melbourne last night was a member of a nationalist organisation called the Southern Cross Soldiers.
Tyler Cassidy was killed at a shopping centre in Melbourne's northern suburb of Northcote after police unsuccessfully tried to calm him, then sprayed him with capsicum spray and fired a warning shot.
Tyler, who was armed with knives, shouted "kill me, I'm going to kill you" to four officers before he was gunned down, police said this morning.
But Tyler's mother, Shani, said in a written statement today that she would ``fight'' for Tyler, describing him as a ``scared little boy''. ``He died alone without his family at his side, gasping his last breath,'' the statement said. ``The entire family and friends of Tyler Cassidy are appalled at the actions by Victoria Police last night. ``Their heavy handedness and lack of negotiating skills at the scene of the shooting contributed to the untimely death of our beautiful 15-year-old." Tyler's MySpace page is covered in pictures of the Australian flag, video tributes to the Cronulla riots and pictures of a meeting of the Melbourne chapter of the Southern Cross Soldiers on December 6. "Hmmmmm well my names Tyler im aussie i love Austrlia more then eneythink and 2nd to that i love bundy (good stuff)," he wrote. "play hard and fight to win ... victory and pride forever!" His friends have left dozens of messages on his website page, including many from other members of the Southern Cross Soldiers. "Tyler mate, i f..ken love you. dont let them pigs get the better of you. u will get throu this and we will get them f..kers back. memba revenge is sweet. we all love you and are sendin our best wishes mate," writes one mate. Another message reads: "Gunned down by idiot cops. Thats life hey? You were a mad little bastard but no-one will ever forget you..We will keep SCS going in your name." Another read: "Tyler Cassidy was one of the most caring, honest people i have ever met. He would always do everything he could to help you out. He will be dearly missed and always remebered for all that he was." The MySpace page for the Southern Cross Soldiers states the group is not racist or a gang. "WE are not racist, we are just proud to call our selves Australians. SCS isn't a gang. If your proud to call yourself Australian then you already are a Southern Cross Soldier. Its a shame that to some people being proud of the country your born in is being racist, well to them people I say go f..k yourself :) There is only one ethnicity in Australia, AUSTRALIAN."
A manager at his school said Tyler was a ``lovely young man'' showing great promise in his hospitality studies.
``Tyler was a lovely young man. He came to us about six weeks ago,'' Rowena Bailey, manager of The Island, a vocational campus of Collingwood College where Tyler had been studying, told AAP.
``He was achieving enormous success. He was in our hospitality unit and doing very well, he showed great promise and was doing extremely well.''
Tyler had many friends and was an easygoing boy, she said.
``It's a terrible shock because he was achieving. He was very well liked,'' she said. ``He was an easygoing boy, in our environment, very easygoing, and he was very happy. He had a lot of friends and he was very happy.''
3 of 4 of the police Shot young Tyler in what they call "Self Defense", they could have easily disarmed the young man but instead shot to kill. Sounds similar to what they are rioting over in Athens.
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